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We've provided the standard FrontPage search engine to help you locate documents on the subjects you're most interested in.  Type in your criteria and press the Start Search button (or the Enter key on your keyboard) to bring up a list of available documents that contain your search criteria.   Press the Clear button to reset the text box BEFORE  you begin a search and enter new criteria (we haven't found this works real well).


bulletThe text string can include the Boolean keywords and, not, or, and parentheses (keywords may be in lower or UPPER case).  Text strings may be entered without quotation marks such as:  Mark AND Beast
bulletAvoid using the text included in name of a scripture compilation as every compilation introduction contains those words in the header.
bulletUpon finishing a search, this page will display a list of hyperlinks to pages containing the search text.
bulletPress the back arrow in your browser to return to your search result list and chose a different document.